Amp’s talents include – a Community activist, DJ, radio host, promoter of community and social events, a business marketer for small businesses, large businesses, and fortune 500 operations.
Amp Harris leads a multifaceted life with different talents in various positive fields and subject areas.
Amp Harris exudes an optimistic approach and outlook on life. Known for his work as a positive role model; Amp works with national recording artists, actors, professional athletes, non-profits, and alongside other community activists to promote a positive outcome to the cause. One of which includes the “Saving Our Youth” Celebrity Basketball Game.
Some of his many confidants are comedian Mike Epps, professional athletes Reggie Wayne, George Hill, Edgerrin James and Jacoby Brissett.
Harris believes that the company he keeps and his life experiences molded his optimistic outlook. Amp believes, “No one person is greater than the next.” His actions and day-to-day life experiences prove this to be true.
AMP Harris wishes much love, joy, peace, and happiness to All.
Every day we Thank God. Another Major Powermove!!! By AMP Harris Production

Jefferson Award: Delivering on a promise
The Jefferson Awards is now Multiplying Good, and we could use a little good in our lives. While there is a new name, the essence of the service doesn’t change. WRTV is still recognizing unsung heroes through the “Jefferson Award for Multiplying Good.” Nominate someone you know who is making a difference for a Jefferson Award for Multiplying Good.
INDIANAPOLIS — Going above and beyond to serve the public is the focus of the Jefferson Award for Multiplying Good.
This month, WRTV honors Amp Harris. Despite a global pandemic, Harris delivered on his promise. He organized his 16th annual “Put a Smile on a Child’s Face for Christmas” toy drive in December.
Amp partnered with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to provide a venue where families could be socially distant and pick up Christmas gifts for their children. It was a massive event and his leadership to mobilize volunteers to bring joy to kids every Christmas is worthy of recognition.
Amp Harris unloads his passion for people through his positivity. It’s manifested in his annual toy drive, his foundation, and civic involvement.
“People tend to gravitate to someone’s heart, that’s how I live,” Harris said.


This year has really taken the wind out of so many of us, yet we persevere and continue to press forward. The time has come for me to focus on the joy that I have brought to the community for the past 15 years…Putting A Smile On A Child’s Face For Christmas.
In light of the pandemic, many wondered if the event would actually happen, but I never lost faith. I understood that because the need was much greater this year more than any, I had to come up with an alternative plan that would be safe for all involved. With that in mind, I am thankful for the commitment of those in the community who are willing to donate, volunteer, and give for the least of thee. Also, my hat goes off to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
I am super excited that we are able to present the “Amp Harris and Friends Christmas Toy Give-A-Way – on the Track”. This year’s event will be a once in a lifetime opportunity for many. I am grateful once again, to be able to put a smile on the faces of over 1000 kids for Christmas! Because when it is all said and done, even in the darkest hour, we are one ♥️

“Life will teach you if you let it. Be kind to yourself and to others, because we are one ♥️” ~Amp Harris Foundation 317-500-4279.
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